Spoon Rests (Big & Small)

Spoon rests both big & small to suit any occasion.

The larger size was built to cradle any full size utensil from spatulas to soup ladles. Friendly to the environment... Just wash, rinse and reuse.

Smaller than their peers, but mighty and capable of untold super powers (preventing messy counters). Easily holds teaspoons and used teabags. Complements any coffee or beverage station. 

 These Spoon Rests will bring 'smiles' to your morning routine. Perfect gift. You can thank me later!

Regular price $13.00
Regular price $13.00
Regular price $13.00
Regular price $13.00
Regular price $13.00
Regular price $13.00
Regular price $10.00
Regular price $15.00 Sold Out
Regular price $15.00